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Mitarbeiter Jakub

Jakub's Story Electrical engineer - manufacturing, Český Krumlov

Electrical engineering

  • Technical understanding
  • Solution-oriented
  • Precision and accuracy
  • Teamwork

Whether in production, TechSupport or the Repair Center: Electrical engineering plays an important role in many areas at Fronius. The employees focus on process assurance, line technology and final testing. The experts find, analyze and rectify faults, repair machines, maintain systems and ensure thorough testing of inverters, battery chargers and welding systems.

Electrical engineers at Fronius work at our Upper Austrian locations but are also in action around the world, for example at our production facility in Český Krumlov in the Czech Republic.

Join Jakub for a day at work

Jakub: I usually start my shift by checking the dispensing system of the potting machine. I make sure that the amount dispensed is correct, there are no leaks and the pressure is set correctly. If there are deposits, I remove them. I also always take a sample, which is later examined for quality assurance.

Of course, the dosing machine is not the only piece of machinery I deal with. We are responsible for all production lines and solve any technical problems that arise. This can be replacing parts as well as mechanical or electrical defects. The goal is always to avoid production downtimes - this includes regular inspections of the equipment and the parts produced.


Mitarbeiter Jakub

How did you come to Fronius?

Jakub: My mother made me aware of the open position. At the time, she was already working at Fronius as a shift supervisor in manufacturing. When Fronius was looking for an electrical engineer, she told me about it. I love working on cars and motors, so she thought the job might appeal to me - and she was right. After the application process, I then started in December 2021.

Why is your job the right one for you?

Jakub: I especially like the variety in my job. Every day is different and I have a wide range of tasks, so I never get bored. Of course, I also like tinkering with machines and equipment. In my spare time, I dedicate myself to my Volkswagen Transporter, which I have been working on for three years. The practical skills that come into play here can also be put to good use in my job. It keeps me in practice (laughs).  


Mitarbeiter Jakub

What skills does someone in your position need?

Jakub: An important prerequisite is technical understanding. On the one hand, we have routine tasks that are standardized, but on the other hand, there are always new technical challenges. It is important to not shy away from new situations, even if you're confronted with a defect for the first time. When a problem occurs, we always talk to the shift or team leaders to find the best solutions together. For example, it may not make sense to start repairs until a batch has run through, as long as quality is not compromised.

Personal insights

Mitarbeiter Jakub

What do you particularly appreciate about Fronius as an employer?

Jakub: The 13th and 14th month salaries are particularly positive. That is not common in the Czech Republic and is a very clear benefit compared to other companies here. Apart from that, there are other things that speak for Fronius: Here I have the best supervisors I've ever had - and that's also a big plus.

On top of that, working together with my colleagues is a real pleasure.

The shift model in which I work offers the advantage that personal errands can easily be coordinated with my shift plans - so I can combine my private life well with my job.   

What is your biggest professional challenge?

Jakub: My biggest challenge continues to be dealing with unexpected mistakes, which I've never had before in this form. My training period was very short due to personnel changes, therefore, I soon had to deal with errors on my own.

It works out well most of the time - and if problems arise, that I cannot fix, an experienced colleague always has some advice for me. We always support each other when needed.

Jakub's advice to new employees

» Safety and consistent quality in production not only ensure satisfied customers, but also a great working atmosphere. «

Mitarbeiter Jakub

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